Bone Health, Brain health, Cardiovascular Health, Digestive System, Endocrine support, Healthy Lifestyle, Kidney & Bladder Support, Liver, Liver & Gallbladder, Muscles & Ligaments, Respiratory System, Supplements

A common sense approach to Supplements

Many people choose to use supplements to fill in gaps in their nutrition. But how do you know that those supplements are helping you? How much should you take, when should you take them and how do you know if you are getting what your body desires to maintain health? Most of all, how do you balance the cost with the benefits of taking supplements?

I’ve known people who, in my option, take loads of supplements, perhaps way more than might be necessary if they would simply work to clean up their diet and lifestyle. Then, I know others who don’t believe in taking supplements at all. Maybe they are very healthy and don’t feel a need to add supplements to their diet. But I believe most people fall someplace between those two extremes.

Permit me to digress a bit. I grew up believing in natural health, yet for many reasons, the cards I was dealt in life, left me with many significant health challenges. As an adult, I found myself going to the doctor more and more. One challenge would pile on top of another and with each new prescription, I was developing more and more sensitivities. This set me on a path to research and find ways to eat and live healthier.

It was a long process that took many years, and I continue to learn more all the time. For a while I found myself spending more money on supplements to give support to my ailing body. But I never gave up hope. I always believed that if I consistently worked on turning my life around, one day I would not need as many supplements.

Gradually, I learned to read how I was feeling. I worked with my doctor to achieve my wellness goals. And today, I am happy that I feel better than I did when I started this journey many years ago! And the best part is that I have found my sweet spot for what supplements my body seems to like.

This gives me hope, not only for me but for you! It IS possible to live healthy. This is what inspired me to focus on supplements this month. Below you will find the link to a newsletter that I believe will give you some inspiration as you consider what supplements are best for you.

Over the years, I have always tried to use the best supplements I could find. My search eventually led me to Young Living’s supplements. I swapped out a few of my favorites and soon discovered the YL supplements just seemed to work better. Gradually I was able to decrease the amounts and type of supplements I was taking while continuing to improve in how I felt. And the best part was that my blood work supported what I thought was happening. More and more of my test results were improving with each new round of tests. I was needing fewer and fewer visits to my doctor and to the emergency room. It’s true that I still have a way to go, but I am happy with my progress, and so is my doctor.

So what makes YL supplements better? Well I believe it’s the science behind each synergistically formulated product. There are products that are great for overall support as well as ones for targeted nutritional support of various body systems. So as I have learned to pay closer attention to how I feel, I have learned to be more sensitive to when I may want to give some extra loving to any given body system or organ.

I encourage you to read my newsletter called “A common sense approach to Supplements” and see if it will give you some ideas on how to enhance your wellness journey. And please, feel free to contact me at Share if you want more information. Click this link to access the Supplements Newsletter.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Sex Life, Marriage, Romance

Love in the air

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God. When a couple falls in love and they commit to become one, they start down a path in life together. They are optimistic and excited about the future, but they really don’t know where that path will lead.

Maintaining a healthy and loving relationship over the years is another thing. They may fall into routines. So many things will factor into the success or failure of that union. Finances, children, health, crisis, communication, and yes, for sure, maintaining the romance.

Essential oils can be a wonderful addition to a couple’s sex life. Our newsletter “Love in the Air” is written to give you ideas of what oils can be an enjoyable addition to your bedroom experience. Several recipes are also included.

Click this link to gain access to the Love in the Air newsletter. Enjoy!

If you have any questions, please contact me at

Check our calendar of events at Share Scents Calendar


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Essential Oils, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Muscles & Ligaments, Personal Care Products, Weight Management

What’s in your gym bag?

When January rolls around each year many people set goals to get into better shape, drop some extra weight, or in some way work to improve their overall wellness.

There are many products on the market to support these efforts. Some work. Some don’t. Some are safe. Some are not so safe. How do we know what products to select to support our goals for the new year?

For many years I have been using products from Young Living Essential Oils. One reason is because the company has proven to me repeatedly that they can be trusted. They go to great lengths to source ingredients that are safe and pure. A dedicated and highly qualified team of scientists researchs every ingredient to be sure each product exceeds set standards to provide products that support a healthy lifestyle.

This month I decided to compile a list of some of my favorite products that you can use with confidence in your personal fitness regimen. Click here to access my January newsletter: What’s in Your Gym Bag

If you have any questions, please contact me at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Cooking with essential oils, Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle, Liver & Gallbladder, Recipes

Spice up your fall recipes!

Lately I have been seeing a lot of great recipes for traditional fall foods. You know… the ones we make for Thanksgiving or on into December and January. It made me think about how much I love Thieves Vitality! A couple of weeks ago I got my hands on some fresh raw apple cider. It was delicious, but SO MUCH BETTER once I warmed it up in a kettle and added a drop of Thieves Vitality! Oh my – YUM! I loved the thought that I was supporting my immune system while warming my tummy (and hands while holding the mug)!

Have you ever explored the possibilities of using your essential oils to boost flavor in your cooking and baking? It is so easy and inexpensive too.  Yes, there are essential oils that are approved by the FDA as “Generally Regarded As Safe for internal consumption (GRAS). Most brands are not approved for internal use, but Young Living has a line called Vitality, that are specifically labeled and safe for internal use!

I remember the time I first discovered this concept. I was making a recipe that called for fresh-squeezed organic lime juice. To have that would have required me to drive 45 minutes to the nearest store where I could purchase an organic lime. Not happening! Then I remembered I had some Lime Vitality essential oil. SCORE! So convenient and just perfect.

I’ve used this trick when I need fresh nutmeg, ginger, clove. Well, you get the idea!

I do have to mention that the essential oils are very potent so you must go very easy on this. Some might require that you only dip a toothpick to get just the right amount. Others you might need a drop or maybe 4-6 drops. It just depends. So the rule is “less is more.” You can always add more, but you can’t take it out after it’s in! And you surely don’t want to make six more batches just to tone down the flavor if you added too many drops! I have heard for example, that one drop of peppermint yields the same effect as 28 cups of peppermint tea. Yowza! Now that’s potent!

I have taught classes on the topic of cooking with oils and if that interests you, please send me an inquiry. Perhaps we can schedule a video conference for you and a few of your friends who love to cook!

You can contact me through my website.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.



Food for thought, Healthy Lifestyle

My wish for you

For a very long time I have been on a quest to have a healthy lifestyle. That journey has been very interesting, and with many bumps in the road.

Along the way, I have met many new friends who also want to be healthy. Some are having more success than others. Some have challenges that seem insurmountable but they keep searching for answers and progress is slow, or even undetectable at times.

What I love about these friends of like mind is that we encourage each other. We teach each other and help each other. We are a “tribe” and we stick together and look for others who want to join us in the journey!

I also have met people who don’t care about their health, or at least it seems that way. They take it for granted, assuming they are immune to the ills of others around them. Perhaps they are misinformed, or uninformed about the impact of how daily choices affect their health. Maybe they trust information that is wrong. Maybe they have addictions they don’t have the strength to overcome. Maybe they just feel they have no choices or fate is stacked against them.

I especially grieve over those who get caught up in the latest “rage” – some new fun product that they fall in love with. They haven’t thoroughly researched to discover ALL the ingredients, many that are not listed on the label, and therefore they don’t know they are slowly killing themselves or their loved ones.

These are the friends my heart cries over. I want so much the very best for them. I want to reach out to them and shake them and tell them, “Do you know what’s in that? Do you know what it’s doing to your body?” Then when they suddenly have a mystery illness or collapse of their health, they are confused. They search for answers but haven’t collected the knowledge or skills to cope.

Sometimes, they reach out to me with questions. As if I can suddenly make it all better. NO, I can’t make you well, and I am not your doctor. I care and I want the best for you. But you must find the answers now before it’s too late. Sure, I can point to resources but you must do the work yourself. It’s your journey, not mine.

Maybe you think it costs too much to be healthy or get healthy. Well, I know first-hand that it costs a whole lot more to get healthy than it does to stay healthy while you are still healthy.

Why am I on this rant? Because I care. I wish for you that you will NEVER have to look back and say, “If I had only known. Why didn’t you tell me. Why didn’t I listen.” So I continue to do everything I can to educate. I do everything I can to share the new things I learn so that you don’t have to go where I have been – sick and in pain and fighting my way back to vitality I once had.

Maybe you think I am just trying to sell you something. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you only knew how many tears I cry over you, and how much I care, and how much I want to help you.

What journey are you on? My wish for you is that you be healthy and happy. Please reach out to me and let’s be friends. Let’s share this journey together. You can contact me through my website.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.


Cardiovascular Health, Digestive System, Endocrine support, Energy, Healthy Lifestyle, Immune System, Muscles & Ligaments, Respiratory System, Skin care, Weight Management

Health is a lifestyle

Wouldn’t you agree that most people want to be healthy?

Do you also think that most people aren’t as healthy as they would like to be?

Would you like to be healthier than you are today?

Over the past 40 or more years, I have worked very hard to climb out of what was a very UNHEALHY lifestyle that had me in a deep hole that I did not want to be in. As I studied and applied what I learned, it was very hard to overcome longstanding bad habits that were negatively impacting my wellness. It has been a long journey and I still have a long way to go. But I am so much better today than I was 20 years ago.

One of my passions is to help others by sharing what I have learned in order to make their wellness journey more successful. One thing I learned is that health is a lifestyle. You can’t just slap an oil on your skin or take some supplement and everything is suddenly all better! It just doesn’t work that way. That’s why I dedicate so much energy into to educating about wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

You have to start someplace and I love helping people (you) find your starting point or to help you discover a few missing pieces to aid you in a journey you already are on.  If you would like to visit with me about your healthy lifestyle, whether you want some ideas for improving your journey, or how to change directions to start that journey, I’d love to help. Fill out a request to contact me through my Share Scents website and we will talk!


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle, Immune System, NingXia

Young Living: So much more than essential oils

It seems like most people are drawn to Young Living Essential Oils company because of essential oils. They hear about essential oils, someone tells them about the number-one company, they might do some research and even buy some of those little bottles.

Then what? Maybe they fall in love or maybe the bottles get shoved in a closet or drawer and forgotten. I just spent the past several weeks writing about essential oils. Yes, they are amazing. Yes, they have done amazing things for me and a lot of my friends and family.

But did you know that Young Living has about 600 products, and the majority of those products are NOT essential oils? It’s true. Truth be known, it’s those “other” products that have changed my life for the good. This month let’s talk about some of those products.

Not long after I purchased my first bottles of essential oils, a new product was introduced. At that time it was called Berry Young Juice. Today it is called NingXia Red. I decided to give it a try. I loved the flavor and started to drink it daily for several months.

At the beginning, I thought I could feel a difference in my body. I just felt “better” – more energy. Then after a few months, I thought maybe it was all in my head so I stopped ordering it. Within a few days, I was dragging butt. I didn’t feel as good as I had been feeling. Needless to say, I started drinking it again and immediately could feel a positive shift in my body and energy.

A few years passed. I started to discover other products that Young Living sold. I compared some to similar products I had in my home, and the Young Living products just seemed to be better. I took some of the supplement bottles to show my doctor. He gave his nod of approval and reinforced my thoughts that these were good products. So slowly, as I ran out of various supplements, I would order my replacements from Young Living. I discovered they were much more potent and I could feel a significant difference. I later learned there was a lot of science and research behind these powerful Young Living supplements. They really did work better for me.

The big payoff was a couple of years ago when during a routine check-up my doctor commented that my immune system seemed very much stronger than it had been in the past. I was seeing him less often and that didn’t hurt my feelings a bit! I knew he was right.

I tell you this story to ask you to take a look around your home. Make a list of products you need to buy. Then check the Young Living website or catalog and you may be amazed at how many of the products  are ones that you could be buying from Young Living.

Now I can already hear you saying, “Oh, but they cost more. Why would I pay more?” Well, in reality, you are NOT paying more. What I discovered is that these products are so extremely concentrated, that they actually cost less.  For example, my hair conditioner bottle lasts 6 months! No joke! My laundry soap lasts 4 months. I can’t even remember the last time I purchased my all-purpose cleaner because I get it FREE. Doesn’t get any cheaper than that!

Today I told you about NingXia Red. It’s one of my non-negotiables. Over the next few weeks, I will tell you about a few of my other favorites. But in the meantime, why don’t you poke around my website and see what piques your interest. Then get ahold of me and find out whether I have used that product and what I can tell you about it. Did you know there are actually a few products I do not like? It’s true. And I will give you my honest opinion. Here’s the link to my website: — check it out and then let’s talk.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle

Ways to use essential oils

When you think of essential oils does the term aromatherapy come to mind?

It is true that smelling essential oils is one of the more common ways people make use of them. In fact, in light of recent weather disasters in our country and around the world, I think aromatherapy is an excellent way to help with emotional trauma, and I wish more people would become aware of the benefits of aromatherapy.

Have you ever considered the power of our sense of smell? It is a unique sense, in that the molecules we smell through our nose travel directly into the emotional part of the brain called the Limbic area. From there chemical messages are sent out to the rest of the body, by-passing the areas of the brain where thoughts happen. So aromatherapy is one of the fastest ways to benefit the body.

Another way to use essential oils is topically. We often think about massage when talking about topical use. But I also have applied essential oils to an area of my body that is asking for some comfort. Many oils are soothing to the skin and even can be nourishing. Two that come to mind right are Lavender and Frankincense.

A lesser known way to use essential oils is by ingesting them. This is probably one of the more controversial methods of using oils. But let’s think logically for a moment. Do you eat lemons? Do you use spices in your food? Do you like peppermint flavored foods? So if you answered yes to any of these questions, then why would you object to using essential oils that come from those plants internally?

Here’s the thing that is imperative to remember for all these ways of using essential oils: They are VERY POTENT. Less is more. For example, did you know that one drop of pure peppermint essential oil is equal to 28 cups of peppermint tea? So if you want to add peppermint oil to your water to make a refreshing beverage, you might want to only dip a toothpick into your oil and then swirl it in your glass or stainless water bottle. Or perhaps add only one drop to a one-gallon glass pitcher.

In our last article, we mentioned that not all oils are created equal, so it is extremely important to read your bottle labels to be sure they are safe to use internally. Young Living has an entire line of oils called “Vitality Oils” that are labeled and safe for internal consumption. Have some fun exploring the many choices and if you want more information about ways to use oils in your cooking, please contact me at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle

Essential Oil Journey

Have you been dabbling in essential oils? Do you ever wonder what all the buzz is about? Which oils are best? What’s so special about these little bottles? Perhaps you found them at your health food store and gave them a try. They were nice, but you didn’t really see why people are so excited about them.

This month we will take a closer look at some basics about essential oils to help answer some of your questions and concerns. Before we do that, let me briefly share my story with you.

I was first introduced to a little bottle of essential oil called Valor back in 1999. It changed my life. I don’t know why or how or what it did for me, but I fell in love with that bottle.  When I used it before going to the chiropractor, I seemed to have a better treatment and the treatment seemed to “hold” better. I have no idea why. I just knew it helped! So I started looking at some other bottles. My wish list grew and so did my stash.

Now, being a bargain hunter, I did check out some other bottles I would find in stores. They never measured up to the ones I was getting from the company that I eventually grew to trust and love. I’ll talk about why that is another time. But today, let’s focus on what I like to call my “self-care” kit.

Yep, self-care. That ‘s what these oils do for me. They help me care for my body. Every part of my body. Safely. Easily. Enjoyably. And in ways I never imagined possible.

You see, I had studied herbs and natural health for many years before discovering essential oils. So when I started using oils, I discovered the knowledge I already had fit perfectly with essential oils.

I discovered the reason plants are so wonderful for our bodies is the secret tucked inside their cells. The essential oils. They are in the leaves, stems, bark, seeds, flowers, rinds, well most all parts of plants. And our bodies just seem to know what to do with them because they are natural when no chemicals are added to them.

There are different ways to get those oils out of the plants and into our bodies. But the most common way to extract the oils from the plants is through distillation. What separates out in that process is a very potent and volatile thing called essential oils. The essential oil is so concentrated and powerful, that in many cases, only one drop is needed to get the benefit that it may have taken substantially larger quantities of the living or dried plant to get.

They are so easy to use. You can just open the bottle and sniff! You can diffuse into the air. You can rub a drop on your skin, and in some cases, certain oils can even be used internally. We will talk more about that later too.

But for now, let’s start this journey together! Open that bottle. Take a sniff. But don’t put it right up by your nose. You might find it rather over-powering. Hold the bottle out at arm’s length. Slowly move the bottle toward you in a spiraling motion. It’s a fun experiment.  Notice if the scent changes. Notice what thoughts pop into your head. Notice how your body feels. Do you feel any different than you did before? Congratulations, you have just accidentally discovered some things about essential oils that you never knew before.  Your journey has started. Perhaps your life will change for the better, like mine did!

If you have questions please contact me at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.


Babies, Children, Essential Oils, Healthy Lifestyle, Personal Care Products, Skin care

Seedlings Shampoo and Baby Lotion

Two more wonderful additions to the Seedlings line of products are the new Seedlings Baby Wash and Shampoo, and the Seedlings Lotion.

There’s nothing like the smell of a baby’s freshly washed skin. Bath time can be even more soothing and sweet with the scent of Seedlings Baby Wash & Shampoo. It is lightly scented with the Calm blend of pure essential oils—featuring Lavender for its soothing, calming aroma. It is an extra gentle formula that leaves skin and hair clean, soft, and smooth without over-drying. Plus, it is dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, and vegan friendly. Watch for this exciting tear-free product to be added to the Seedlings Line soon! You’re going to love it!

Our love of lotion begins early in life. We love skin that is soft, hydrated and smells pleasant. Young Living’s gentle moisturizer is specially formulated for infants’ delicate skin. This non-greasy lotion supports moisture barrier function and smoothly absorbs into a baby’s skin, leaving it moisturized, soft, and smooth. It’s made with skin-nourishing ingredients and a Lavender-infused essential oil blend. I love the light fragrance of this lotion and wouldn’t mind using it on myself! Just saying…

I have published a special newsletter called Seedings: From Mother Nature’s Nursery to Yours. If you don’t have a copy of it, please send me an email and request the Seedling newsletter by name! You’ll love all the information it contains and will want to keep it for future reference.

If you have questions please contact me at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information, products and/or techniques mentioned is provided for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with the health professionals of your choice. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility to or liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use or misuse of any information provided here.

